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Clients + Orders + Details all in one SmartSuite Dashboard Page 🤯

smartsuite Oct 04, 2024


Overwhelmed with a stream of spreadsheets and struggling to make sense of it all? Welcome to the world of SmartSuite dashboards – your game-changer for consolidated business operations and data management.

Multilink Dashboards: Connecting the Dots

The true power of SmartSuite dashboards comes from its flexibility to connect multiple components in a single dashboard. It enables users to delve into orders, probe into line items, and fetch all necessary information on a single screen. The result? A drastically simplified process and significant time savings.

The Gateway to No-code Building

In this rapidly evolving technical landscape, no-code tools are the new rage. They don’t just simplify business operations, but also empower users to build anything without getting tangled up in complex data structures. The entry point to this world is automation and understanding its underlying principles lets you reclaim a significant amount of your productive time.

A Peek into the Back-end Connections

To fully understand the functionalities of SmartSuite dashboards, a comprehension of the backend connections becomes absolutely crucial. For instance, let’s take an example of a firm dealing with client orders with a data schema including clients, orders, line items, and inventory. Here's what a typical workflow would look like:

  • From the client table, an order is linked to a client.
  • In the order, links to the client as well as to the line items are present. The order total is formulated through the summation of line item totals in the next table.
  • The line item table connects both the order and the inventory where details like quantity and price are present. The total on the order page neatly sums up the prices of all line items.

Creating an Interactive Dashboard

The real action begins when you start building this information-packed dashboard. The objective is to create a platform where employees can choose a client, view their orders, drill down into the details, and even make necessary edits. Here's a quick walkthrough of how you'd do it using SmartSuite:

  1. Start at the client's level, create a new view and add a widget. Customize it as per your preferences.
  2. For seeing orders linked to the selected client, add a second widget where the source would become your first record selector. It will then show you the list of orders for the selected client.
  3. To access order details, add another widget where the source now becomes your second record selector. You can resize its elements to fit your view preferences.

This consolidated dashboard simplifies administrative tasks immensely. And the best part is that the dashboard gets auto-adjusted as per the permissions of the team member accessing it, ensuring top-notch privacy standards.

No coding, no complexities, just seamless management of all orders and clients at your fingertips – the power of SmartSuite new dashboards. Seamlessly connect to tables, manage a multitude of operations on a single screen, and build a more efficient workflow. And remember, should you need any assistance with it, we’re here to help you.

Next Steps

If this concept strikes a chord with you, watch out for more insights about useful automation techniques and smart usage of no-code tools. Take the plunge and explore these trends reshaping the business landscape.

Are you ready to unlock the full potential of SmartSuite? Stay tuned for more.

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