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Maximize Efficiency: Learn to Share Read-Only Views in SmartSuite! 💡

smartsuite May 10, 2024

Introduction to Easy Data Sharing with No-Code Solutions

No-code tools are providing innovative ways to build solutions that can solve complex business problems. They offer businesses the ability to share their solutions easily with a wide audience. And when it comes to sharing data with people, these tools allow options for edits or simply granting a view for the direct audience.

The Charm of No-Code Tools: SmartSuite

SmartSuite stands out as a robust tool in the no-code landscape. Its forte lies in backend database building, light automations, and data sharing. Moreover, in an era of digital transformation where data sharing is key to business operations, SmartSuite presents the possibility of sharing data only through read-only views, providing the necessary security to your precious data.

The Power of Automation

SmartSuite brings in the power of automation which can save you valuable time in your operations. Automation is a key cornerstone behind all no-code solutions and with the right application, can make complex tasks simpler and faster.

An Insight into SmartSuite

Imagine being inside the template called Event Planning on SmartSuite. Here, you have connectivity between different aspects like events, schedules, venues, speakers, attendees, event staff, and vendors. This interconnected setup allows easy access to all these different aspects.

Now let's take schedules. Each event has a schedule broken up and listed for easy reference. There's also connectivity with speakers for the events, making organizaton a breeze.

The Event Planning template can be easily installed from your home screen on SmartSuite. The moment you want to share a schedule with your team or tailor it to different events, the power of SmartSuite comes to light.

Making Data Sharing Easier

To share the schedule for each event with your team, you can create unique links for every event. First, you need to create a new field for storing these links called 'Event Schedule'. Once created, these links can then be shared with the event staff which allows for quick access to essential details of the events.

This whole concept simplifies data sharing by including only the relevant data necessary for your events and eliminates the clutter that comes with data overdose. The application can be customised to display important aspects like the time of events, location and status of events.

Your Data, Your View

SmartSuite allows you to apply filters to this data so you can only see data relevant to a particular event. You can also arrange the data in a chronological order, making it easy for the viewer to understand the sequence of events.

Once you have selected the required data, you have the option to share it through a view where users can view the fields that are included in the view. You can control the extent of manipulation the user can do to the view. For instance, the user cannot overide the filters applied to the data but can filter down further for detailed analysis.


In conclusion, no-code solutions are not only easy to implement but they also enhance the efficiency of business processes. Data sharing has never been easier with the help of tools like SmartSuite. These dynamic applications are the future of how businesses can seamlessly collaborate and share data in an ever digital world. Get the most out of your no-code tools today!

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