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New Airtable Interface Page: Overview 👀

airtable Aug 19, 2024

Exploring the New Airtable Interface: A Detailed Look at 'Overview'

Airtable’s constant evolution to improve user experience is something to be appreciated. The company recently launched its latest interface page, called 'Overview.' This page acts as a summary guide for new users introduced to existing Airtable interfaces.

What is the Overview Interface?

The Overview Interface is a page within the Airtable system designed to help users navigate vital parts of the software. It consolidates resources, highlights important pages, generates external links to useful resources, and overall, provides an easy-to-understand roadmap for users.

Airtable Basics: Data, Automations, and Interfaces

Before diving into the details of the overview interface, it's essential to understand the three core components of Airtable solutions: Data, Automations, and Interfaces.

  • Data: This encompasses all stored information needed for the process in use. It encompasses tables interconnected to form an elaborate data schema.
  • Automations: Automations perform tasks in the background based on a defined trigger and action logic. In the parlance of Airtable, it follows an "If this, then that" format.
  • Interfaces: This layer defines how information is shared, showing data and setting permissions for viewing, editing, and interacting with data.

Each interface can have multiple pages, each page showcasing data in its unique way and set permissions. Sharing happens at the interface level, and this flexibility is the backbone of user customization in Airtable.

Creating and Customizing an Overview Interface

Within any given interface, users can add a new page - the Overview page. This page comes with a typical layout similar to Airtable forms with sections for cover images, headers, descriptions, and links.

  • Cover Image & Logo: Users can add a cover image and a logo that best represents their interface, adding a bit of personalization to the mix.
  • Descriptions: The platform provides space for a headline and brief subtext to offer introductory details about the interface.
  • Bookmarks: Users can highlight important pages within the interface in this section. The platform automatically populates the section with existing interface pages, which can be customized further.
  • External/About Links: These come in handy to guide users to external resources or tools associated with the work done within the interface.
  • Other Resources: This additional section allows users to provide further links, adding more value to the users of the interface.

Once fully set up, any changes can be published with a single click, bringing the Overview interface to life.

Benefits of the Overview Interface

  1. Central Hub of Information: The Overview page saves time and reduces confusion by consolidating all important information and resources in a single place.
  2. User-Friendly Navigation: With clear distinctions and links, users can seamlessly navigate between different components of the interface.
  3. Easy Onboarding: It simplifies the process of onboarding new team members by presenting a handy guide to everything they need to know.
  4. Customization: Just like any Airtable feature, the Overview interface offers customization options allowing users to tailor it to meet their unique needs.


The introduction of the Overview Interface page in Airtable streamlines user experience saves time and eases the onboarding process for new users. While simple, its potential as a brilliant tool for navigation and resource aggregation is undeniable. With Airtable's continuous updates and improvements, there is hopefully more to come.

While utilizing these tools might seem a bit complicated for beginners, don't hesitate to reach out for help. Remember, success lies in understanding these tools and leveraging their full potential to address your unique needs. Keep on building!

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