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New Feature Alert 🔥 Using Barcodes in your Noloco App

noloco Aug 07, 2024

Discover the Power of Barcode Scanning in No-Code Apps

Unlock the power of scanning in this digital era - whether you run a warehouse, manage product shipments, or handle product inventories - a barcode scanning capability significantly enhances operational efficiency. Recently, a revolutionary feature has hit the no-code applications world, and this blog post is all you need to understand, explore, and leverage its potential!

1. Introducing the New Barcode Scanning Feature

We are here to talk about a game-changing feature in no-code applications that transforms how we handle product inventories, shipments, and tracking - the Barcode Scanning. This feature, although at a nascent stage in the no-code world, promises a splash in myriad sectors, notably those handling massive product inventories, shipments, and tracking.

2. Understanding the Uses

Barcode scanning offers unbelievable convenience, especially for businesses dealing with shipments, tracking down specific items in large inventory, and much more. Even simple tasks like updating a barcode on file for any product becomes a breeze with the integration of this new feature in no-code apps.

3. How Does It Work?

The feature allows applications with access to your phone or webcam to interpret the visual elements of a barcode and translate them into alphanumeric strings. It's splendid how merely by sharing the barcode with the camera of your device, the app automatically updates the information on the barcode!

4. Customization and Options

One of the key traits of this new feature is its flexibility. You can update or create new records by scanning a barcode. This flexibility is crucial if you’re waiting for a shipment and want to update the status of the shipment as the items arrive. Also, you could create a new record based on that scan — a powerful tool to streamline and simplify the process!

5. Continuous Scanning for Efficiency

Besides, if you are in a warehouse environment where items need to be scanned in a sequential manner, this feature has the "continuous scanning" option. By turning on this mode, the camera remains active, allowing multiple barcodes to run in front of the camera without the need to re-trigger the scanning process each time.

6. Tracking the Tracking

Moreover, you can also track whoever performs the scanning actions. When users are logged in, each scanning action can be traced back to the person performing the action, a handy tool providing full transparency and audit trail for future use.

7. Wrap Up

To sum it up, the advent of barcode scanning in no-code applications has brought forth a new horizon of possibilities that was previously unthinkable. The flexibility, efficiency, and transparency it beholds are bound to make it a gamechanger. It's just the beginning with many more intriguing features in the pipeline.

Implementing this feature in your applications will undoubtedly unlock new frontiers of productivity and efficiency. Yet, if you hit a stumbling block, remember, professional help is just a reach away. Keep exploring, keep building!

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