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Variable Price Calculations with Page Logic in Fillout

fillout Oct 07, 2024

Have you ever explored the power of Fillout forms in processing payments? If you have not, or if you are interested in boosting your no-code toolkit, this is the perfect place. This article unravels how to calculate totals using Fillout forms - an efficient and accessible tool for your e-commerce needs.

Leveraging Fillout for Payment Processing

Most businesses that operate online often require a form of payment processing. Fillout stands out in tackling this need by providing a seamless method of handling payment forms. More notably, it integrates seamlessly with page logic, allowing automatic showcasing of particular parts of the form under certain conditions.

Understanding Fillout Price Calculations

One of Fillout’s nifty features is the ability to assign prices based on the product or item being bought. For example, when a user fills out your form choosing the item they intend to buy (let’s say trees), you assign the price ($100) for each tree selected. It doesn’t stop there. The price calculation also involves assigning values to other items opting for the 'assign' function rather than 'add'.

Calculating Total Cost

The power of Fillout manifests mostly in its multi-faceted calculations. For instance, If a user selects two trees, Fillout calculates the total cost (Price X Quantity) automatically – offering the user an immersive and efficient e-commerce experience. Integrating these calculations with popular payment systems such as Stripe enables seamless payments from users, further potentiating your online business.

Enhancing Your Fillout Forms With Page Logic

Apart from just the pricing and total cost calculations, tailoring user experience is also possible through conditional logic. By adding page logic to your Fillout form, you can include or exclude some pages conditionally. For instance, you can decide to show a 'signature' page only if the total amount is over $1000.

Fillout's logic system provides seamless navigation paths, allowing you to direct the user to the appropriate page based on specific conditions present in the form. A good instance would be directing straight to the end of the form after item purchase or transferring to a signature page under certain circumstances.


Implementing advanced features such as conditional logic, pricing, and total calculations in your Fillout forms is a step towards improving your website's efficiency and user experience. Whether you are new to no code tools or have been around for a while, Fillout is a vital tool in enhancing your online business and facilitating automated and sooth transactions.

And remember, if you encounter any challenges along the way, feel free to reach out. We're here to help you take the guesswork out of maximising your note code tools. Keep building!

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